October 10, 2010

Hacklebarney State Park

I went to Hacklebarney twice  - the first time was in Mid September.  Many people had recommended this as a great place to hike, so I was really looking forward to it.  The weather that weekend was great!  Perfect early fall weather, foliage was starting to turn.  I took my faithful HP Photosmart camera, which took some great pics.  We had a wonderful time - followed the main trail then branched off to the yellow trail, followed that till it met back up with the white and red trails, then took the red back.  When I got home, I went to upload the pics - and somehow lost them all.  There was only one showing and it was corrupted.  I tried testing my camera again and this time it was acting strange - turning off (not shutting down but just blacking out) after a few seconds.  I sadly realized that it was time to get a new camera. 

After a bit of research and looking at prices, I headed off to Best Buy and returned with a Sony Cybershot.  I took it out the next day when we went to Hacklebarney again.  The pictures weren't nearly as good as the ones with the old camera, in my opinion.  You can see for yourself.  They were very dark, and blurry.

 Hacklebarney has some paved paths, and other more "rustic" paths that are for more of a "hiking" experience, but none of the trails are particularly difficult.  If you want a nice nature walk with beautiful scenery, without worrying about tripping over roots and rocks, come here.
 We followed the red trail, which follows the Black River, first taking the upper trail, then the lower trail back to the parking lot.  The lower red trail was part of what we did the last time. 

 Here you can see the wide, paved paths.

Beautiful, but not much of a workout!!  Though we did get a good 3 mile walk or so.  Just not many hills or anything.  After the hike in September I stopped at the Hacklebarney Cider Mill and got some delicious cider and donuts!  I wanted to stop there again, but didn't because it was crazy crowded!  They were having some sort of shindig there.

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