September 10, 2010

Washington Valley Park - Yellow Trail

A few days later we headed back to Washington Valley Park.  With the park map now in hand, it was much easier to find my way into the other side's parking lot.  The Orange trail connects only to the road and not the parking lot, so I avoided it because I didn't want to walk along the road, nor park off the side of it.  So we explored the Yellow trail.

The first thing we did was head down towards the hawk watch.  There were several people there.  It over looked a noisy stone quarry.  If it had been on the weekend, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad.  But it was not really relaxing, so we left quickly.  I could also tell some of the people on the platform did not like having Sammy around. 

There was a little waterfall, but I couldn't get a good angle on it.

Above the falls
We walked along the river for a time.  

The hiking was mostly fairly easy, slightly rocky near the river but not too bad.  Then it went upwards and through forest.  It was quiet - not many animals like last time.  Pleasant.

Along the river

Right near here, we saw a pair of heron.  So beautiful!  They were flying though, and I didn't get my camera out fast enough.

We did see a deer on our way out though!  He was making lunch out of someone's lawn.

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