May 30, 2010

Monmouth Battlefield - May 30, 2010

What better place for a Memorial Day weekend hike than Monmouth Battlefield State Park? This was the scene of a very important Revolutionary War battle, attended by General George Washington himself.

We arrived early because it was supposed to get quite hot that day. Unfortunately this meant the visitors center was closed. However, a very helpful ranger went in and brought me a trail map and a couple brochures that went along paths with info-boards. I decided to wander for a bit. I walked down the hill following the fences. Someone told me that they weren't normally there, they were setting up for the battle reenactment, which would be in 2 weeks. I thought about going, but it was very hot that day.

We walked across a footbridge and around a field. I went back up the hill, and went on a trail that went around a picnic area in the front. That wasn't really what I wanted, so I looked at the brochures and decided to follow one of the historical paths. This would go down through the battlefield and show me some of the locations of key points in the battle. The fields are still working farms owned by 2 families. You could see the apple trees and small plants growing in their rows. The boards and the brochures talked about the battle. It was really amazing to be walking where President Washington may have walked.

By 11 it was quite warm. Poor Sammy also seemed tired for the first time ever. I stopped for a rest and then we pressed on. Stopped again under a big tree for some shade, then went back around through the orchard and back through the field and up. It was gorgeous and meaningful. I got a little choked up thinking about the men who had died on this very ground, fighting for our independence. I said a prayer and whispered a thank you while I was in the middle of the field.

Monmouth Battlefield - May 30, 2010

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